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Gross. Why would I brought some issues? Cmon. I don't sees each one of you as a burden. Yet, nothing to creep though. I can't understand. Through everything that last in every life makes you total ghoul. Abstractly no feelings at all. Dead maybe? Oh, while everything you wrote make sense to your surroundings? Please be ashamed. Mistaken twice equal brainless. Don't you see peoples are full of thoughts? For each boundaries you had now. Perhaps you will lose it all too. It isn't the proper way to solve problems. Tribute to all of your attitudes. Makes you zero in human scale. Hesitate,lie,shameless,greed and immature. Please stop. I beg you in the name of God. There is nothing I can understood in everything you said. Plus, I never believed in second chances. I don't play with risk instead of believing. I admit I admired you so much that in the very mean time you lose it all. That's what happen when ducking all of the non sense. Well, look at me now. I can smile. I can laugh. There's nothing wrong with me anymore. At the moment you dump me far far away. I knew there's nothing I can do except starting something new. I think I had accomplished more than I expected now. I'm happy and nothing to regret. Normal,happier,smile,laugh,friends,family,special ones. Nothing can be wonderful than that. Leave me alone. SUCH A DISTRACTION.

Please, do not acts like a freak after reading this post, you bitch. Yeah you. I know it was you.

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