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Brain The Hoe

Hello there. Good to be back,right? Weee,I know that sounds weird but nah,I don't give single darn waste for that. I am currently sitting for my mid-semester examination and it's quite weird too cause' I managed to answer them with my awkwardly confidence,I guess?  I know right, it's a good thing since the brain are starting to work.. *LEL*

So anyway.. dear readers for whom not know what is the meaning of "hoe..." let me tell you something, do your homework..ain't nobody got time to explain,man but really it's worth knowing for. Yup, I'll be writing some brain weird facts. I know this going to be an intense...*lel* it's nothing actually but some of the weird facts did really happened to myself today.

First of all, I may not tell you guys what are all the weird facts about brain one by one instead..I will focus our main point here which the fact that the brain is a total hoe. Okay, stop laughing..not funny at all. Brain is indeed a hoe, no offence. Through ages, people tend to study and stuff. There might be some certain times where people uses their own physical strength to rule the world..but it proves us wrong nowadays. For example, you're the best student in your school however you're the top bully-victims in school too but you know that everything has it own ending. You were right, you graduated from school and managed to get scholarship to enter a university. Five years later, you repeated the same graduated from the university and get better job. Lets say, you became the VICE PRESIDENT for a company. There is one day..the bully-prick whom bully you at school back then came to your office and requested for a job. Demonstration end right there. So, we can conclude that the bully-prick will not get a job from his company which shown that brain rule over physical strength. No matter how strong that bully-prick that time..nothing gonna change a thing.

Now that you guys had achived an inspirational story to let people keep bullying yourself *lel* you might be thinking the easy way of getting pure and maintaining the success. Back to get into a good position in may experienced few stages of brain. We know that sometimes when we managed to get into a good class where geniuses compiled in it..your brain started to aim more and more. In this stage, you brain are in unstable condition. You might never get the chance to see the fear of the world...cause' you ain't got time for those bullshits..what's on your mind is..."study or I'll die virgin.." *lel* Fug, my entry are freakin' spilled off. However, to relate brain and hoe is quite obvious...the fact that you knew you will die virgin if you didn't study promising wonderful life in the future..unless if you were born rich..then just be stupid as stupid as you are. *lel* as a student...we knew that we are not virgin the moment we started to study..and as for the will simply take over its dignity in innocent way...*lel*

In conclusion..the fact that the brain the hoe couldn't be agreed more. Even though, there may some people who haven't reached this stage will soon. Just don't be awkward with the situation.. everyone loses their virginity somehow though..*lel*  that feel when you are about to end an update.. *lelelel* well, I hope all of my dearest reader that magically visits my blog and read this..make sure you did get a good lesson and good time reading..for so whatever failed grammar I wrote..don't be such retard complainers and are ain't just don't. Don't be such a grammar-hoe. Kindly pleasure and warmly ends. See ya!

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Not a word,
but a hoe.

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