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What's new bro?

Here I am again. Phew! It took me a week till I finally could log into my very own mirror mirror of the grammar world with some scent of errors and vocabulary nations. Well again.. It's been a week and my blog views reached 1,500+ viewers! That was impressive guys.. Never thought of my blog views could reach that amount of number. I'm kind of excited and impressed(as I said earlier), it made me to write more I mean, write something useful and creatively(I guess). For that, thanks guys.. I take it as a supportive act in socially interact way upon me. So shall we, move on? :P

By the way, the Lunar Festival had passed and I guess it's not too late for me to wish a brand Chinese New Year for all my chinese friends and people out there(Yup, I know it's too mainstream :P)Well, because of that... I wish a luxury more in luck most in financial and importantly for the gods.(at least I'm not racist).


Right! Few days ago I mean last week, I was lost in my pony-hard-core-life. Dayum, it took 2 days for me to fully recovered from that illness(life). I had wasted millions seconds in playing games, watching TV and doing things I don't have to do. Okaylah, I admit I was bored there's nothing to text with even though there is, but I think I was out of mood that time. *I mean if you're reading this right now... I am very sorry but I promised I'll be nice!  

Hmm lately, I'm doing some indoor football,futsal. I mean most of the days.. well this kind of thing is the surest way to get new friends and I did! I mean those boys whose owned pretty much fame in my school which ignored me like I used to be but now they're my friends. I never thought I could be a friendly-machine as they told me so, so yeah! It's great to know them, especially when I could take some chance to be a part of their fame. Okay don't laugh, I mean seriously they promoted me to some hot chicks. Nah, don't believe me yet, I am making up things.. you know I could never get a gf's even if I did.. they left me alone..- I am talking nonsense as usual.. - cut it off. My new friends weren't bad as I thought before.. even though bullying was considered as a bad crime at school but it looked like it was the whitest-crime for them. i shud have played indoor football since 4 years ago... this is because.. we shared almost common in hobbies. sigh 

While I was doing some futsal lately, I did read a novel too. The novel which I am mentioning right now is a thriller-novels genre. The introduction chapters was kind of catchy at first but after I reached at the fourth chapter the introduction makes all the story-telling relate to each other. If I have to describe the novel right away in 1 word, so that people would read it, I would say, EPIC.  It was my first attempt to read such novel's genre and hit my interest so deep. If you guys were curious about the novel's title I am telling right now, please don't just put it in your mind.. I suggest to buy the novel at your nearest bookstore. The novels were entitled "Truly, Madly, Deeply" written by Hannah Jayne. It's worth buying for.. trust me! :)

I am so convincing, am I? lol 

I would like to continue writing but screw homework. I had tons of them in the moment, I think I should have stop right here and I might have to prepare my school backpack right away, I don't want to miss school today as I missed yesterday. Screw my fingers and brain, keep brainwash-ing me to stop writing and thinking about homework. Hmm, so....... thanks for reading guys. I hope you had a great time reading some junks of mine, and don't forget to drop some comment on my chat box so that I would know I am not alone. It is kind of scary you know... xD 

Until nextime, goodbye! :)

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